Author Freedom Hub is the Go-To-Destination for all the aspiring authors to learn not only how to write quality books effectively, but also to equip them with the skills of publishing, launching and marketing- ultimately making them "Authorpreneurs"

"The Great Mentor

The experience of my two sessions with Som Bathla on "Authorpreneur" has opened up a new world of possibility before me. I liked his novel concept and analytical skill. He is cut out to be an inspirational motivator. His analysis is logical and expressions clear. He is dedicated and honest to his profession and sincere as a mentor.I thank him for the guidance he has been extending. I hope to be fulfilled under his tutelage. I wish him all the best in life:)"

- Mandira Mazumdar

Hi, I’m Som Bathla

I'm on a Mission to Empower 10,000 Authors to help them share their message with the world and create a life of impact, income and freedom!